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A brief history


It was established in 1947 under the name Foreign Languages department. The founder and first head of the department was associate professor V. Eremeev.

Between 1957 and 1966, S. Smirnov, Professor Emeritus, was in charge of the department.

From 1966 to 1997, the department was headed by B. Danilov, a doctor of philology, who harmoniously combined the training process with the educational one, initiating the implementation of programming and testing methods, promoting the scientific work of students, organizing scientific conferences in English, French and German.

In 1974, the Department of Foreign Languages ​​was restructured into two independent subdivisions: the Department of Foreign Languages ​​and the Department of Latin Language and Mother Tongues. The late M. Păun, a personality with encyclopedic linguistic knowledge, who led the department during the years 1973-1986, contributed to the establishment of the latter.

In 1997 the Department of Foreign Languages ​​became the Department of Modern Languages. From this year until 2010, the position of head of department has been held by L. Lupu, PhD in philology, university professor, Emeritus. Professor Larisa Lupu paid special attention to the improvement of the training and education process and the implementation of innovative teaching methods.

Since 2010, the Department of Modern Languages ​​has been headed by Daniela Eșanu-Dumnazev, PhD in pedagogy, associate professor.

The Department of Modern Languages ​​has defined its orientation as the training of future doctors, connoisseurs of modern languages ​​and medical terminology.